Depression Questionnaire

About depression questionnaires

Depression questionnaires are standardized tools used by healthcare professionals to assess the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in individuals. These questionnaires typically consist of a series of statements that respondents rate according to their recent experiences, covering aspects like mood, interest in activities, energy levels, sleep patterns, appetite changes, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and concentration.

Scores are calculated based on responses, helping to identify potential depression and its intensity. While invaluable for screening and guiding treatment decisions, these questionnaires are diagnostic aids and must be followed up with a professional evaluation to confirm a diagnosis of depression and recommend appropriate treatment.

Depression questionnaire 1

Creating a simplified depression questionnaire can help you understand some of the common symptoms and feelings associated with depression. It’s crucial to note, however, that this questionnaire is not a diagnostic tool. Only a qualified healthcare provider can diagnose depression. If you’re concerned about your mental health, please seek professional help.

Simplified Depression Questionnaire

For each statement, indicate how often you have felt this way over the past two weeks:

A: Nearly every day
B: More than half the days
C: Several days
D: Not at all

I have felt down, depressed, or hopeless.

I have taken little interest or pleasure in doing things I normally enjoy.

I have had trouble falling or staying asleep, or I have been sleeping too much.

I have felt tired or had little energy.

I have experienced poor appetite or overeating.

I have felt bad about myself – or that I am a failure or have let myself or my family down.

I have had trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television.

I have moved or spoken so slowly that other people could have noticed. Or the opposite – I have been so fidgety or restless that I have been moving around a lot more than usual.

Thoughts of hurting myself have occurred to me.

A: 3 points
B: 2 points
C: 1 point
D: 0 points

0-9 points: Minimal symptoms.
10-14 points: Mild depression.
15-19 points: Moderate depression.
20-27 points: Severe depression.

Remember, this questionnaire is a self-assessment tool and not a substitute for a professional diagnosis. If your score suggests you might be experiencing depression or if you’re struggling with your mental health, please reach out to a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and support.

Depression questionnaire 2

Please answer true or false to the following questions on our depression questionnaire. You can find the correct answers below the questions.

1. Usually depression and low self esteem go hand in hand.



2. Many factors play a role in depression including genetics, certain events, medical history, environment and peoples approach toward the situation or challenges.



3. Natural healing methods used in curing depression have greater side effects.



4. Nutrition is an important factor in reducing depression.



5. Depression comes from chemical imbalances in the brain.



6. In depression the physical and emotional symptoms can be seen clearly.



7. Depression is a disorder of the body as well as of the mind.



8. The right thing to do is to keep problems to you instead of discussing them with friends and family.



9. Giving importance to the good things in your life instead of the negative ones is healthy for you.



10. Giving up is a big NO. Tough times don’t last but tough people do.



11. Being obese is not a good thing. You should always be thin, only then will you be attractive.



12. Trust your judgment and don’t accept what other people say about you easily, especially if it’s negative.



13. Don’t surround yourself with people who spread bad vibes.



14. Find good in even the most unworthy of people.



15. Fidgety and nervous people who are irritable and angry all the time are behaving normally.



16. Men are more likely to hide their depression with alcohol and abusive substances.



17. Healing begins from within. The mind has amazing powers to heal oneself.



18. A movie, friends, family, music, a good book; these cannot all help you when you are depressed to feel better.



19. Some people eat more and put on weight when they are depressed and further lower their self esteem.



Answers to the depression questionnaire

TRUE: 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,12,13,14,16,17,19

FALSE: 3,6,8,11,15,18

How you scored

19-17 correct answers- You are in very good health

16-14 correct answers – You get depressed sometimes

13 or less correct answers- You’re very often down in the dumps. Start healing your mind and body today!

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