Quiz for self-esteem

A quiz for self-esteem is a way for you to determine how you see yourself. By being honest with yourself as to where you are today, you can see where you need to make improvements.

Your self-image is how you evaluate your own life, how you feel about your job, your relationships and where you’re going.

How do you really feel about yourself? Do you have a harsh, negative opinion of yourself? Find out what kind of self-image you have by taking the quiz for self-esteem below.

For each question, choose one of the following answers. The number next to the answer represents how many points that answer is worth. Total your scores and check on your results below;


1 – Never

2 – Rarely

3 – Sometimes

4 – Usually

5 – Always


1. You express your opinions openly.

2. You have no fear of being rejected by other people

3. When you have to make a major decision that affects mostly you (such as changing jobs), you may consult with other people, but the final decision is your own.

4. You forgive yourself for your mistakes.

5. You believe you deserve the best life has to offer.

6. You accept yourself for being the way you are.

7. You are able to express your feelings, both positive and negative.

8. You set aside some time just for you.

9. You ask for help when you need it.

10. You will return an unsatisfactory item to a store.

11. You don’t worry about what others think of you.

12. If you are dissatisfied with an important part of your life, you will take steps to make a change.

13. You are comfortable making eye contact with other people.

14. When criticized, you listen, but don’t take it personally.

15. You are comfortable trying new things.

16. You can make a list of your accomplishments and/or positive qualities without a great deal of difficulty.

17. You are comfortable around successful people.

18. You believe you can handle anything.


What does your scores on self-esteem quiz mean?

0 – 18: Time to Change

You question every decision you make and are crippled by lack of self-respect. Your self-esteem is dangerously low and you MUST make improving your self-esteem a #1 priority in your life.

19–36: Signs of Trouble

You believe other people are worth more than you are. Your self-esteem is shaky at best and needs work.

37-54: Middle of the Road

You have days when you think you’re doing ok, and days when you question everything you do. Work on believing in yourself a little more, and everything will fall into place.

55-72: On the right track

Your faith in yourself is on the right track, but can use improvement. Practice recognizing each small accomplishment and your self-esteem will start to soar.

73-90: Solid self-esteem

No one has to tell you that you’re ok! You have a healthy sense of self-respect and rarely, if ever, question your decisions. You learn from your mistakes instead of dwelling on them. Keep up the good work!

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