Goal Setting Forms

Realistic and measurable forms!

Creating a goal-setting form can streamline the process of defining, planning, and tracking progress towards achieving specific goals. Below is a template for a comprehensive goal-setting form that you can use for various objectives, whether they’re personal, professional, educational, or other. This form can be adapted into a digital format, like a Google Form or a printable document, depending on your needs.

Goal setting form 1

[Insert Date]

[Insert Name]

[Insert Email] (Optional)

Part 1: Goal Identification

  • What is your goal? Write a clear and concise description of what you want to achieve.
  • Which category does this goal fall into? Choose one or more: Career, Education, Health, Personal Development, Financial, Relationship, Other.
  • Why is this goal important to you? Describe the motivation behind your goal and how it will impact your life.

Part 2: Goal Details

  • Is this goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.)? Explain how your goal meets each of the S.M.A.R.T. criteria.
  • What are the main action steps required to achieve this goal? List the tasks or actions you need to take.
  • What resources or support do you need? Identify any tools, information, skills, or help from others you’ll need.
  • What potential obstacles could you face in achieving this goal, and how might you overcome them? Anticipate challenges and plan solutions.

Part 3: Accountability and Support

  • Do you have an accountability partner or support network? If yes, provide names and how they will support you. If no, describe how you plan to hold yourself accountable.
  • How will you track and measure your progress? Detail the methods or tools you will use to monitor your achievements.

Part 4: Timeline and Milestones

  • What is your deadline for achieving this goal? Provide a specific date.
  • Have you set any milestones? If so, list them along with their deadlines. Milestones are smaller goals that lead up to your main goal.

Part 5: Additional Notes

  • Is there anything else related to your goal that hasn’t been covered?
    Include any other relevant information or personal notes.
  • Signature: _______________________
  • Date: _______________________

Instructions for Use:

Fill Out the Form: Complete each section of the form with as much detail as possible. Be honest and thorough in your responses.

  • Review and Adjust: Periodically review your form, especially after significant milestones, and update it as your situation or goals change.
  • Keep It Accessible: Store your form in a place where you can easily access and review it, whether that’s a physical folder, a digital file, or an app.

This goal-setting form is designed to help you articulate and plan your goals in a structured way, enhancing your ability to achieve them.

Goal setting form 2

What is the first “big” goal you’re going to set? Write it out in as much detail as possible.



Is it realistic? Do you have the skills and talents needed? Or can you learn them?



Can you see yourself accomplishing your goal? Are you totally passionate about it?



What is the first, small step in achieving your goal? When are you going to take that step?



How will you measure your progress? What are your “milestones?”



When will you reach your goal? What is the exact date you’ll proclaim “I did it!”



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