Free goal setting worksheets

Do you know what you want out of life? These free goal setting worksheets can help you to decide what’s really important to you and start you down the path to a life that others only dream of!

To be effective, goal setting needs to be something more than simply declaring to your buddies “Someday I’m going to…” That isn’t goal setting; that’s daydreaming. The best way to turn your “dreams” into reality is to start “doing;” and the first step is to seriously set your goals.

Written, well-thought-out precise goals will keep your life focused. You’ll be better motivated and less side-tracked. Even when life “throws you a curve,” you’ll be able to “steady your course” and stay aiming at your target.

Creating a goal-setting worksheet is a fantastic way to visually organize your goals, track progress, and maintain focus on what matters most. Here’s a structured worksheet you can use to define, plan, and pursue your goals. You can create this worksheet in a digital spreadsheet or write it out by hand, depending on your preference.

Here are some of the things we’re going to accomplish with these goal setting worksheets;

  • Discover your purpose in life; your ultimate goal.
  • Visualize what the “end result” will look like.
  • Evaluate where you’re at now in relation to your goal.
  • Identify the talents, skills and knowledge needed to reach your goal.
  • Determine the first logical, simple step towards your goal.
  • Choose a starting date for the first step.
  • Think about possible obstacles you’ll encounter.
  • Consider ways to overcome those obstacles.
  • Establish measurable “milestones” down the path to your goal.
  • Pick out “rewards” for milestones reached successfully.
  • Determine exactly when you will accomplish your goal.

Goal setting worksheet 1

1. Let’s “dream” a little; if I could guarantee that there is absolutely no way you will fail to live the life of your dreams, what would it look like? What are you doing? Where are you? Who is with you? Close your eyes and “see it,” “feel it,” “smell it” and “touch it.” Make it real in your mind and write down every detail.



2. What will you need to know to reach your “new life?” Will you require special training, a college degree, specific talents or skills? Do you know anyone that might mentor you along the way? Do you need to make some special “contacts?”



3. Is there an area in your “current life” that is dragging you down and holding you back? Debt, education, a relationship, depression, your past? How can get a handle on it? Do you procrastinate? Be totally honest with yourself. Remember, no one is going to see this but you.



4. What is the first, easy small step you can take today to address something you identified in the last answer? When will you take that step?



5. What obstacles might pop up along the way? Can you anticipate all of them? Can you determine solutions for each problem you might encounter?



6. How will you know you’re on “the right path?” What will the first “milestone” be where you can say “I’m getting there! I’m on my way!” When will that be?



7. What will you do for yourself when you reach that “milestone?” How will you “reward” yourself?



8. After that first “milestone,” what will your next step be? And the next? Then the next?



9. Picture yourself saying about your life’s goal “I did it!” When will that be? What is the exact, realistic date?



Goal setting worksheet 2

Section 1: Goal Definition

  • Goal Description: Write a clear and concise statement of what you want to achieve.
  • Category: Specify the category this goal falls into (e.g., Career, Health, Personal Development).
  • Importance: Why is this goal important to you? Reflect on the value and impact of achieving this goal.
  • S.M.A.R.T. Criteria: Break down your goal to ensure it is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Section 2: Action Plan

  • Action Steps: List the specific steps needed to achieve your goal. Break down larger tasks into manageable actions.
  • Resources Needed: Identify any resources (e.g., books, tools, advice, training) required to complete each action step.
  • Potential Obstacles: Anticipate challenges you might face and how you plan to overcome them.
  • Milestones: Set smaller goals within your main goal to measure progress. Include deadlines for each.

Section 3: Accountability & Support

  • Accountability Partner: Name a person who can help keep you accountable.
  • Check-In Schedule: Decide how often you will update your accountability partner on your progress.
  • Support Network: List friends, family, or groups who can offer support, advice, or motivation.

Section 4: Progress Tracking & Review

  • Progress Log: Create a space to regularly record your progress. Note any adjustments made to your action steps or timelines.
  • Achievements: Keep a record of milestones reached and successes, no matter how small.
  • Regular Review Dates: Schedule dates for reviewing your overall progress toward your goal. Adjust your action plan as needed based on these reviews.

Section 5: Reflection

  • Lessons Learned: After reaching or adjusting your goal, reflect on what you learned during the process.
  • Next Steps: Consider your next steps. Will you build on this goal, maintain the results, or set a new goal?

Instructions for Use:

  • Step 1: Complete Section 1 to clarify your goal and ensure it aligns with the S.M.A.R.T. criteria.
  • Step 2: Fill out Section 2 to create a detailed action plan. This is your roadmap to achieving your goal.
  • Step 3: Identify your accountability system and support network in Section 3 to help stay on track.
  • Step 4: Use Section 4 to track your progress, celebrate achievements, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Step 5: Reflect on your journey in Section 5 to consolidate your learning and plan for the future.

This worksheet is a living document. Revisit and revise it as you grow, and your goals evolve. Good luck on your goal-setting journey!

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