Free Self-Esteem Games

The benefit of using positive traits

Free self-esteem games require nothing more than ordinary office supplies and a focus on the positive. Adults and children both benefit from these games, because self-esteem affects the way we see ourselves and others, and can influence our decisions and interpersonal relationships. Some games may need modified to fit the age and developmental level of the participants, but they each provide something we can all use—a positive view of the self. Use these games in the classroom or in team building workshops to start the day off to a fun and rewarding start.

Identifying Positive Traits

People experience a boost in self-esteem when other people point out their positive traits to them, yet it also boosts the person who identifies the trait. We feel better about ourselves when we recognize the good in other people and treat others in a positive manner, which is also part of interpersonal skill development. Games for this depend on the amount of time you have and the long-term purpose of the exercise.

Connection between arts and self-esteem

The arts—spanning visual arts, music, dance, and theater—play a significant role in bolstering self-esteem. Engaging in artistic activities provides a unique platform for self-expression, allowing individuals to explore and communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a tangible form. This process of creation and expression can be profoundly validating, affirming the individual’s value and capabilities, thus enhancing self-esteem.

Artistic endeavors also offer opportunities for skill development and mastery. As individuals progress in their artistic pursuits, the sense of accomplishment they experience in mastering a new technique or completing a project contributes to a positive self-image and confidence in their abilities. Moreover, the arts foster a sense of identity and belonging. Participating in group artistic activities, such as choir, theater productions, or art classes, creates a community of like-minded individuals, providing social support and reducing feelings of isolation.

The feedback and appreciation received from sharing one’s art with others further reinforce self-worth. Even the challenges encountered in the creative process can bolster self-esteem, as individuals learn to navigate criticism, overcome obstacles, and persevere in their efforts. Ultimately, the arts serve as a powerful conduit for personal growth, self-discovery, and the enhancement of self-esteem, enriching individuals’ lives and fostering a more positive self-perception.

Self-Esteem Charts

Instruct each student to take an 8×11 piece of poster-board, write their name at the top, and tape it to the wall. Hand out small slips of paper; ask the students to write the name and a positive trait of each of their classmates on individual slips, and instruct them to put them all in a basket when they’re finished.

Pass the basket around the class so each student can pull out a slip, read it aloud, and then tape it to the student’s wall poster. Expect some blushing and giggles with school-aged children! The posters can be kept in the room or given to the students after class.

Self-Esteem Cards

Pin or tape index cards on each person’s back and supply a marker to each member. Group members then walk around writing one positive trait about a person on his or her back. This may require some teamwork to steady the markers and it can be a great ice breaker for group members. Ask the members to unpin each other’s cards afterward; they can then read their own cards and save them to keep at home.

Use free self-esteem games in any environment to help children and adults focus on all they have to offer to themselves and others.

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